The theory of Karma: What goes around comes around.....

I'm sure we all have heard this phrase so many times, we say this to others and at times others remind us of this phrase.....but who are we to judge as to what a person is going through is something (s)he deserves is a reward/punishment for what (s)he did in the past....

But guess what this is life, there are all kinds of people....and we just gotta learn to take it in our stride.....and that is what I want emphasize here...I took it in my stride, I did not let myself get adversely affected by what was told to me.....I could have reacted out of my emotions at that time and given a fitting reply just to drive home the point...but I chose not to...and I feel very good that I didn't do so then.....

I know, I am only human and am bound like other humans to the material world which includes all tangible and non-tangible attributes....and these are the elements that make me weak....and like all human beings, I too have to give back what I get and get back what I give .......but just like how they say, that every mistake is only a step closer to success, and that every step taken whether it is right or wrong is a step taken ahead because we learn from it and grow....

then why say what goes around comes around....

oh well....but as I said above... this is life :)

Here's drinkin up to LIFE!!!!!! :)


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