Procrastination!? I don't think so
A friend forwarded this email to me about a person in Arizona who was supposed to be pullin' off an all nighter working on his presentation for the next day, but instead, he cleaned his bathroom sink, his refrigerator, paid his bills and what not.....
Funny enough, I've been through such situations myself....a couple of times...and I've mentioned it to this same friend who forwarded that email to me... he'll be like what you doin and I tell him that I am cleaning my kitchen or doing laundry....and he is like "Are you crazy!!?? Shouldn't you be doing your office work???", and I tell him that I have to do these things in order to be able to focus on my actual work....and surprisingly enough, we get the same or more work done in lesser time than we would have actually spent sitting there *trying* to get that thing done.......
At least for me, even though I am doing other things, subconsciously my mind is actually working on the problem at hand.... and then by the time I am ready and done w/ the distractions, I have not only figured out how to go about solving my issues at work or getting ideas or material for work, but I also managed to get other things done, like cleaning my apt or paying my bills, yeah I get more accomplished.......
Anyway, I think we can actually fit a lot more in a day's work than we actually do... but I guess that's something which will remain that way and for the better I think....
So, now you tell me... do you experience anything like that? have something else to share.... feel free to leave your comments! :)