Yeh Hai Bombay Meri Jaan

Bombay meri jaan....
I try and visit my family every year in India. Bombay just gets better with each passing year. This year unfortunately, I will be here during the Christmas break and thus was thinking about my family and Bombay...
What I like and miss about Bombay:
1. My home, My family....
2. My cute lil cuzin gets a special mention coz he actually writes letters to me regularly and he also draws pictures of me. He is only 6....oohhhhhh I miss him....
3. 19 years of beautiful moments with friends and family that I cherish to this date and these memories will remain ever green in my heart.
4. The bhelwala and the sandwich-wala just around the corner of the street from where I used to live. The famous "chaar rasta" where a bunch of us would hang out and we would meet in the evenings for butter makai...
5. The B.E.S.T buses, the ride to and from college with friends.
6. The Five Gardens, used to go there in the mornings for a walk and in the evenings... with friends...just to chill out, have kala khattas... this used to be fun...guys would be cruising in their flashy cars, checking girls out and we in turn would check them out ...oh boy!!! the things we did as teenagers..hahahahha!!!
7. The monsoon season, the fresh smell of red bricks, the plants and leaves in my bedroom dancing to the pitter patter of the rain drops...
8. breach candy, linking road, lokhandwala, new shopping malls like the Pyramid. Athenas and tons of new clubs that have opened up in the recent past.
9. Getting down for a drive at night all the way to Breach Candy and getting pan from muchhad panwala.
10. Bollywood!!!!
There probably are only two things I hate about Bombay...
1. Pollution
2. Traffic, at any time of the day!!!!